Galicia con Ucraina 3

A xornalista ucrania Zoya Skoropadenko e o colega ruso Michael L. Steinberg manteñen diferencias sobre os acontecementos da ex-república sovietica. O segundo cre que pertence á área de influencia de Rusia, sobre todo en materia económica e estratéxica, e a primeira di que Rusia nunca fixo nada polas suas ex-repúblicas. Este é un pequeno extracto das suas diferencias.

Por Galicia Confidencial | Galicia | 09/12/2004

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Secondly. Nikita Khrustshoff has presented you Ukrainians the Crimea

peninsula. Do you want any Soviet money more?

By the way, you are persuasively speaking about Mr. Abramovich, but why? He is not Ukrainian citizen. The Governor of Chukotka and his shopping is a problem of Russia, not of Ukraine, I mean.

Michael L. Steinberg


Interesting, honestly, how can we NOT pay Gas and oil? if you don't pay gas at you flat - they will just disconnect you, right? And, honestly, i never saw any petrol station (TNK, Lucoil etc) where they charge you petrol for free.

And about Soviet money, any idea why Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other USSR republics didn't receive anything from the budget in Moscow they contributed their share for 82 years being a part of Soviet Union?

What kind of payment Ukrainians forgot to pay back to Russia in this case? May be you mean mines and plants? Then you should ask money not from the Ukrainian people, but just from Mr Ahmetov, the main sponsor of Prime Minister Mr Yanukovich who in fact made this horror delirium in the country.

Oh yes, i forgot, Ukrainians have also Mr Yanukovich, the best friend of Mr.Putin and Mr.Luzhkov. May be they know where goes all the money noble Ukrainians pay for gas and oil they use?

Ukraine, as Russia is too big, and i think i don't have to retell you the story, with example of Mr Abramovich, in which direction money, oil and gas disappearing, how much it costs and who is guilty in not paying for it!

There are both in Russia and Ukraine 98% of nobles paying for gas and petrol and there are 2% buying Chateau de la Croe, Villas at Cap Ferrat, custom-made Boeings and asking for more money from those 98% of passport-holders of the country.

And i guess this discussion really has to be not between us, but between Mr Putin and Mr Kuchma (as he still officially a president) and not like between the old colleagues-friends, who used to fish and drink vodka together, but as the heads and leaders of 2 big countries, suffering from corruption and very expensive thief.

Zoya Skoropadenko

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